“The world needs to stop listening to American MBAs.”

via QZ/ The Atlantic

No, it’s not just about replacing business thinking with business thinking. We need fundamental changes to the economic system. Not socialism. But not capitalism as we know it either.

What we have now is completely unsustainable.

Listen to the engineers. And the designers. And listen to the artists and visionaries.

Look at Elon Musk. Look at the impact this man has had on so many industries. Yet, why are we not tapping into that mind for guidance on other global issues? Does everything have to be a competitive silo?

Imagine just how much we could automate in this world. Imagine if the news lost all rhetoric and partisan agendas and only reported fact and perspective. Imagine if higher education was free. Imagine if we switched to completely sustainable energy and manufacturing and food systems and art and education were allowed to flourish.

It’s all possible today. The only thing holding us back is us. Greed. Ignorance. Primal survival mechanisms that are now our weaknesses and deficiencies.

Human potential has out-evolved human civilization.

John Lennon sang it best. He just didn’t get into the specifics of what we need to do, and can do, to get there. As an artist, he only needed to paint a picture.

Unless we drive ourselves to another dark ages, or to extinction – both which are real possibilities – we’ll get there.

When, is the question.


*1st image;  Anthony Discenza

*2nd image; by me, years ago after the wall street crash + bailout.

  1. temporaryorbit posted this