• tattooedsiren

    There are moments where he just can’t hold it in.

    For the most part he is the master of concealed emotions, his poker face in place from the moment he steps into the foyer of Pearson Hardman until the second he leaves. And while he can admit that his no emotions bullshit is just that, bullshit lies he told to protect himself, the principal was one that served him well and helped him to his position of Senior Partner and best closer in the city.

    But there are moments, tiny fragments in time, where the mask slips and the truth is revealed to anyone who cared to see it. Like when he would walk past the bullpen but stop dead in his tracks when he caught sight of Mike, working diligently on his case, biting his lip in concentration, looking like there was nowhere else in the world he belonged except for right here. He can’t help himself, taking that small step closer, smiling with pride and warmth and something else, unidentifiable but strong.

    He watches for a few minutes, unable to tear his eyes away, doesn’t even blink. And then Mike, as though he can feel Harvey’s stare, looks up and catches Harvey’s eyes.

    Harvey would feel embarrassed about being caught out or might start composing excuses in his head, but then Mike smiles at him from across the room, small but genuine. If there are other people in the room Harvey doesn’t know and he definitely doesn’t care, he just luxuriates in this moment for as long as he can. And when the noise and chaos of the room breaks through his reverie, Harvey nods at Mike, before turning and walking away.

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