May 18, 2014


It works like this: You tell Kitestring that you’re in a dangerous place or situation, and give it a time frame of when to check in on you. If you don’t reply back when it checks your status, it’ll alert your emergency contacts with a custom message you set up.

It doesn’t require you to touch anything (like bSafe) or shake your phone (like Nirbhaya) to send the distress signal. Kitestring is smarter, because it doesn’t need an action to alert people, it needs inaction.


Actually, no, this app most certainly could NOT have prevented your friend’s rape, seeing as it only calls for help after a woman has been attacked. This app does nothing but perpetuate the illusion that women can control whether they are raped and, perhaps, slightly hasten police response. The only thing that would have prevented her rape would be for the rapist to not have raped her.

Your friend did not have the power to control the evil person who attacked her, no matter what measures she took. There was no outfit she could wear, no drink she could abstain from, no group that she could travel in, no demeanor she could possess, that would have been a talisman against rape because rapists come in all stripes.

Your friend did not neglect to defend herself, rather her rapist overcame her defenses. A rapist is not a mindless force of nature like a hurricane that just happens. A rapist is a human being who chooses to harm others. Saying that a woman can prevent her own rape by implication imposes on her the impossible responsibility to control the evil thoughts and actions of others.

We cannot and must not capitulate to a world where rape is treated as a normal, natural part of society.

(via daenerysknope)

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