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“ Hmm, the format of FACT magazine’s new singles review feature looks a bit familiar. Pretty sure TSJ didn’t come up with the roundtable review format but still,...






Hmm, the format of FACT magazine’s new singles review feature looks a bit familiar. Pretty sure TSJ didn’t come up with the roundtable review format but still, uhh.


Thought this was TSJ at first and was eager to go see what they thought of the new Ciara song, then realized I didn’t recognize any of the names as being TSJ regulars.

Ugh. We don’t get to Body Party until later this week. HOW ARE WE SCHEDULING THINGS I DON’T UNDERSTAND.

Historical Genealogy Note!

The first roundtable-marks out of 10 format thing I know of was Scott Woods’ Radio On zine (which I heard of via a WIRE Magazine review maybe?) (and Radio On might have spun out of a feature in a Frank Kogan zine). Then I nicked that idea for the “Pop Music Focus Group” feature* on Freaky Trigger and then - IIRC - William Swygart brought the format to its finest level of accomplishment** in TSJ.

*whose main embellishment is that the songs were being rated in real time by a group in actual physical space. With booze. This works excellently in all ways other than getting thought-through critical opinions.
**as far as I know! I love the format so if anyone else has used it well let me know.

Important clarification: I was in Radio On from the start (in the beginning, there was two, or maybe it was three), but it wasn’t my brainchild, it was Phil Dellio’s. Phil, far as I knew, had heard of but had never seen Why Music Sucks at that point, though I had. Anyway–the credit ain’t mine, but it sure was the funnest magazine in the world to be a part of (which, if you know anything about me, didn’t prevent me from getting morose about the situation regardless) .

  1. intotheswamp reblogged this from qualx2 and added:
    I was being pissy about this until someone dropped history on us. Shout out fellow TSJers, shout out the FACT people I...
  2. koganbot reblogged this from dubdobdee
  3. scottmichaelwoods reblogged this from tomewing-blog and added:
    Important clarification: I was in Radio On from the start (in the beginning, there was two, or maybe it was three), but...
  4. purplechrain reblogged this from katherinestasaph and added:
    Just to clarify: My “ugh” wasn’t at the existence of this roundtable format thing. It was at the fact that we’ve been...
  5. dubdobdee reblogged this from tomewing-blog and added:
    yes, the wire review was by ME
  6. katherinestasaph reblogged this from tomewing-blog and added:
    For real, though, people, if this is inspired by anything it’s inspired by SPIN’s new-track roundups, which I believe is...
  7. occupythedisco reblogged this from qualx2 and added:
    Thought this was TSJ at first and was eager to go see what they thought of the new Ciara song, then realized I didn’t...
  8. katherinestasaph said: if it’s emulating anything it’s emulating Spin, I’d think