“ ladyfaeboleyn:
“ 69s-a-hipstahh:
“ Even though my name is Leanne, people always spell it leann or say it like ‘lian’
Not always, but my full name Kathleen is said as Kath-a-leen more often than I can ever understand, and...




Even though my name is Leanne, people always spell it leann or say it like ‘lian’

Not always, but my full name Kathleen is said as Kath-a-leen more often than I can ever understand, and meanwhile my last name gets the wrong vowel when spelled and pronounced wrong half the time to boot.

Niamh, pronounced Neeve. Okay? The amount of people who refuse to believe that the -mh is pronounced as a v is insane. Also, my own grandfather spelled it as “Nev” until I was three and pointed out that he was wrong.

I don’t really understand why people are so bad at my last name.

It’s PHONETICALLY SPELLED.  But no.  Let’s just put all the letters in a different order.  Or remove entire letters completely, because apparently people hate the letter ‘z’.

Also, it ends in “-sky”.  It is NOT “-ski” because that would change where that part of my family came from.  I do have Polish blood in me… but not from that line.

(via protectivesamarchive)

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