javahullabaloo-deactivated20140 asked:

Hello Curly Beauties! I've transitioned to 3B, 3C hair after my last relaxer nearly three years ago. My hair has grown so much, think Diana Ross big, and lately I've noticed a patch of dry hair in the middle of my scalp. It's brittle, dry, but when I wet the hair and place product, such as deep conditioner, it snaps back with a little fuzz. Could this be heat damage? I never use hot tools, just a roller set maybe twice a month. I use coconut oil and it gets softer but, what else? Thanks!


Hello sunshine! Frizzy or “fuzzy” hair can be caused by an assortment of things. It could mean that the middle portion of your hair has high porosity. Porosity has to do with the hairs ability to retain moisture by keeping the cuticles on your hair shaft closed. When hair cuticles stay open instead of laying flat against your shaft, moisture is released and the product is frizzy and dry hair strands. However, there are remedies! You took a great first step with using coconut oil to add and seal in moisture. I would also suggest trying an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse. I usually perform my AVC Rinses with ½ of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 cup of water.

Read this article here and this post here for more info. Goodluck!