July 13, 2014
An abandoned football pitch seen in an evacuated school near the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japan.
The school playing field is overgrown now - the tall grass slowly giving way to small samplings, that will one day become trees. It takes...

An abandoned football pitch seen in an evacuated school near the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japan.

The school playing field is overgrown now - the tall grass slowly giving way to small samplings, that will one day become trees. It takes little imagination to hear the laughter of the kids who are now absent from this scene.

On the eve of the World Cup final, here is a photograph of the goal where football has not been played for three and a half years.

#fukushima #japan #radiation #nuclear #football #WorldCup #disaster #earthquake #tsunami

  1. daviesthom posted this