Also, I'm sorry being nosy, but I'm just curious 😳 Why do you dislike Optimus being the Thirteenth Prime? Is it the negative connotation of the number itself placed on Optimus?
  • Don’t apologize, it’s fine :D. Also, thank you so much for your kind words <3. I actually wrote about Optimus being 13 way back when I first found out about it, but it has nothing to do with the number itself.

    It’s that it feels like something out of a really poorly executed/thought out fanfic. OP being the 13th Prime, for me, didn’t take an ounce of imagination or originality; it was as if the writer just picked the easiest thing to make Optimus. It’s something I would see on the embarrassingly bad side of a fanfiction website.

    Compounding that is just how bad the Covenant is. I’ve already discussed this with other people, but holy crap, how the hell did this thing get published? It’s so…holy crap, what can I saw about it? It’s not good. At all. It’s brief, weak, tries to do too much in not enough time, and doesn’t sate my appetite for a story bible.

    Hell, as someone who reads texts from ancient and modern religions for fun, I would have loved it if the CoP were more like, say, the Bible meets the Mahabarata with appendixes In the back that gives thorough explanations for the Primes, timelines, maps, glossary, etc.

    1. sephirose posted this