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 If you want a relationship you want a damn relationship not everything included with a relationship but no commitment. You want a fuck buddy, someone to stroke your ego and let you between her legs at your personal discretion. I’ll never be the girl for that. I’ve never been the girl for that. I’m the girl that wants to hold your hand and talk about whatever comes to mind, hold on to you because I want you near and not the other side of the bed, I want to comfort you without being told I’m basically doing a shit job because there’s another girl out there who could do it better.I want you to understand that using an emotional yo-yo around me is utter bullshit and I’m starting to realize I fought to have you around for all the wrong reasons. We’re a physical attraction, not intellectual and barely emotional. We just like what we see in each other and that’s it. Even if we work things out I don’t think our hearts are in it. And don’t play the bad guy when this all ends because I never needed your daily texts anyways as an assurance to the fact that someone likes me. There are plenty of other guys who wouldn’t mind taking me out or spending a night in with me. For whatever reason though I thought at least for a brief second that you were better then the rest of them.