Amazing video on what the next iOS iteration should have. Probably won’t. But should.

(via parislemon)

Apple iPhone iOS Technology Mobile

  1. roguecnidarian reblogged this from parislemon
  2. shayskillionaire reblogged this from parislemon and added:
  3. grovberg reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    This exists. They’re called Windows Phone live tiles. Have them.
  4. tot16 reblogged this from parislemon
  5. agbyaj reblogged this from parislemon
  6. ishcabittle reblogged this from parislemon
  7. techmattersyes reblogged this from alexanderpf
  8. threangel reblogged this from alexanderpf
  9. gordogifs reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    Agreed. Doubt I’d have much use for this on iPhone but would be great on iPad.
  10. bolinaosunset reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    Looks interesting. Would be a great interface.
  11. tulamonstah reblogged this from parislemon and added:
    iOS blocks- what u say?
  12. kcmowanderlust reblogged this from alexanderpf
  13. alexanderpf reblogged this from parislemon
  14. parislemon posted this