So let me get this straight.  A person who doesn’t struggle cannot identify as queer?
If your struggle is unrelated to being attracted to the same sex or being trans, then no, you can’t identify as queer.
If your struggle revolves around being cis and only having/desiring opposite sex partners, you are straight
I was going to stop talking to stupid people but I want to point something out.
It wasn’t very long ago when trans people weren’t considered queer either.  So if you still want to go on the whole definitions thing, labels are flexible with time.  And…I’m out, enjoy your drama
Hold the fuck up. What is this revisionist history crap?
It wasn’t that long ago that the word “queer” started being reclaimed in the first place. Trans people were just as likely, in many cases more likely, to get called homophobic slurs such as queer as anyone else. I’ve been called a queer more times in threatening/harassing situations than I’ve been called a “tranny.” And that’s what you obnoxious little shits are deliberately refusing to understand. Queer was imposed. It wasn’t a fun exciting umbrella we just all decided to get under spontaneously. It is a violent word that was taken back as an act of violence against our oppressors.
Stop using cis LG transphobia to justify het cis asexuals “reclaiming” a slur that they aren’t targeted with, for fuck’s sake. First of all, a lot of us are trans and queer. And even while marginalized under LGBT coalitions, trans people have always been a part of queer communities, going back over 100 years to the days when we were all “uranians” and “inverts,” before “homophile/homosexual” and “transvestite” were even differentiated by the sexology/medical establishment. Our cultures are inseparable, no matter how much transphobic cis LGBs and a handful of homophobic transsexual people try.
I don’t think you couldn’t come up with a more inappropriate comparison, to be honest. But hey, who gives a fuck about actual queer history?

Reblogging for commentary.

Submitted by anonymous
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