
  1. sofdogg reblogged this from broadwaycom and added:
    Pasek & Paul and Rick Elice? I think I just spoojed a little. Please, oh please God(s) let this be true.
  2. negzer0 reblogged this from hummabledesigns
  3. matthewrants35 reblogged this from broadwaycom and added:
    We’ll see. I’m excited. But, we’ll see.
  4. alexeidarling reblogged this from wiseshots and added:
    It seems like the most awkward premise for a musical but I think these two can make it work.
  5. broadwaygr-blog reblogged this from broadwaycom
  6. hummabledesigns reblogged this from wiseshots
  7. stagedoordreams-blog reblogged this from broadwaycom
  8. wiseshots reblogged this from broadwaycom and added:
  9. broadwaycom posted this