Oct 23, 2014

BitTorrent Performance Test: Sync Is Faster Than Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox - Slashdot


Now that its file synchronization tool has received a few updates, BitTorrent is going on the offensive against cloud-based storage services by showing off just how fast BitTorrent Sync can be. More specifically, the company conducted a test that shows Sync destroys Google Drive, Microsoft’s OneDrive, and Dropbox. The company transferred a 1.36 GB MP4 video clip between two Apple MacBook Pros using two Apple Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet Adapters, the Time.gov site as a real-time clock, and the Internet connection at its headquarters (1 Gbps up/down). The timer started when the file transfer was initiated and then stopped once the file was fully synced and downloaded onto the receiving machine. Sync performed 8x faster than Google Drive, 11x faster than OneDrive, and 16x faster than Dropbox.


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I'm a .NET Software Engineer currently working for Electronics for Imaging, Inc., New Zealand. I enjoy elegant code, as well as hacking away at HTML5, CSS3, JS et al. and am passionate about social media and mobile technologies.

In my down-time I have been known to allow myself to be dragged away from a computer in order to read a book, or even talk to real people!

Away from computers, I love to cook for friends (and my lovely wife, Naomi) and spend long afternoons dragging into the evening sharing a good wine or two.

I've built sqwi.sh, the WallaBee Store twitter feed, and 1plus1equals1.co.nz amongst other things.

Feel free to get in touch with me to discuss projects or potential collaborations.

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