Getting Engaged? Thinking Of A Proposal? Top 10 Most Creative Engagement Ideas

Alongside Valentines Day, Christmas is the most popular time of year to get engaged, it is also one of the most popular times of year to get married. 

Picture the scene, the decorations are all up, the family is all gathered, everyone is in a celebratory mood, BANG!! Good to go!!! Well that’s saved a few quid, and if you can use that towards her dream engagement ring, then all the better :)

So now the big question becomes “How” are you going to propose?  Here are my top ten Christmas proposal ideas which may help you decide on the “how”. Let me know your thoughts, or indeed let me know if I’ve missed any out :)


  1. Hire an excellent pilot that can do writing in the sky. Take her to a favorite spot, sit back and relax while the plane fly’s in writing Merry Christmas, will you marry me. Too extravagant?
  2. Stage a treasure hunt. Start by placing “clues” all around the room, or all around the house.  Each clue could lead to a bunch small “gifts” that symbolise fun things you’ve done together, or plan to do together. The final gift will be the ring box that is hidden safely in your pocket! As she follows the clue and pulls it out of your pocket, drop to one knee and say, “Will you marry me?”
  3. See if you can convince your local radio DJ to get in on the proposal. Have them play her favorite song, and then the DJ could call her on the phone and say, so and so loves you and would love to marry you. All this can happen live on the radio.
  4. The wishing well: Find a wishing well somewhere romantic and set up a romantic scenario. Make a nice sign, throw a coin down, reel up the sign just like in the picture. 
  5. Surprise at work?? While she is at work, send her flowers with a card attached professing your love to her. An hour later send a Christmas package to her containing the ring, and be standing outside her door when she opens it, pop around the corner and ask her to marry you.
  6. Dress up as Santa. When you make your grand entrance as Santa Claus, have a bag with “toys” inside. Instead of giving her toys or a candy cane, reach inside and pull out her engagement ring. Santa on bended knee will make great photos!
  7. Take her to see her favorite sports game (or yours). During half time ask the announcer to call out her name telling her how much so and so loves you and would love you to become his wife. This will melt her heart on the spot. And get a good applause from the rest of the stadium.
  8. Take a drive through her favorite part of the country. Stop at a beautiful overlook; tell her how you feel about her and what you want your lives to be like a few years from now. Then pop the question on her.
  9. Wrap yourself up as a present. There are lots of fun ways you could do this. You could hide yourself inside a big box (with air holes) and then surprise the daylights out of her when she opens up the box! Or you could have fun with it and make it obvious that you’re a self-wrapped gift. Let her unwrap you, and when she gets most of the way through all the wrapping, surprise her with the ring.
  10. Finally… Do it the day after Christmas… the reason I say that is because Christmas is already a special day, so you should do it on a day that can be special to the both of you as a couple. A day that doesn’t have anything else attached to it, like a holiday.


If you do have any jewellery ideas you would like made bespoke, then please do call for a consultation in our central London office and we would be glad to try and help you. Our details are on the main page of the Joseph Sterling website.

Lewis Malka is a recognized expert in making diamond rings as well as being a famous jeweller to the stars. All his blogs are his own opinions. He is a member of the London Diamond Bourse (LDB). You can follow him daily on Facebook and Twitter
If you would like any bespoke jewellery made, then please visit his website.

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