“ jesussavesthesoul:
“ *tw* On the left was me 2 years ago. On the right is me now. Yes I still have VISIBLE scars all over my skin. But I am NOT the same person on the left anymore. The right is the healing I went through when I...
This photo with 743 notes was posted 9 years ago on the 5th of September, 2014.
Reblogged from: jesusfreaknerd
Posted by: pastlivesandbadideas



*tw* On the left was me 2 years ago. On the right is me now. Yes I still have VISIBLE scars all over my skin. But I am NOT the same person on the left anymore. The right is the healing I went through when I accepted Jesus into my life. Of course things are still hard and there are days where I feel like that girl on the left. But Jesus has brought so much life back to me I can’t even begin to tell you. I never thought it was possible to stop harming myself (as it was a battle for over 6 years) i believed I was a hopeless mess and that I would do this for the rest of my life. Little did I know that god had bigger plans….

Today I am still ALIVE. Even though I still get sad, I still have reasons to smile.

I found my old blog and was deeply saddened by the things I saw. It’s like I saw a part of my mind that I was so blinded to because I didn’t care whether I lived or died.

I was thinking tonight during church about how blessed I am to have found the people I have in my life now. They have allowed me to finally find my true self.

If you are struggling w this and feel like there is no end… I promise you there is and it doesn’t end with your life being taken. It ends with you living! I’m posting this because I know what it feels like day after day to not feel loved and feeling like life is some endless battle. Honestly, there is someone out their that loved you so much that he wore scars just like these and he loved you enough to die for YOU so you will be able to live. If that isn’t love then I don’t know what love is.

If you see this I love you too

This is an incredible testimony, dear and true to my heart. 

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