April 22, 2014

mishas-sexhair asked: Mainly i think (as a hair stylist and avid reader of Destiel/Cockles fanfics) that... he ran his hands through his raven locks Just sounds so much better than he ran his hands through his locks which were a natural base color 3! Just not sexy!



Somebody photoshop a raven on Castiel’s head.



This is also good!

  1. agentsex reblogged this from mixgoldenphoenixarchive-blog and added:
    This is also good!
  2. icanhazhellrealmsinmypienao-blog said: Do eeeeeettt
  3. compassionatedragon said: IDK, just “(dark) brown hair” sounds much better and less 14 year old ff.net author to me than “raven locks”, tbh. But maybe that’s a matter of personal preference.
  4. mishas-sexhair said: ra·ven 1   (rā′vən) n. A large bird (Corvus corax) having black plumage and a croaking cry. adj. Black and shiny: raven tresses.