July 29, 2014

I do like that I’m categorized as “Who the hell knows.” That’s more or less accurate. 

Actually, now I do regret deleting some of those posts, which I did out of a combination booze and anxiety, but what’s done is done. I had simply made a bunch of posts private, but when I saw the fail_fandomanon thread and realized that someone with a link to a post can still access it, I deleted basically everything on my blog related to Andy.

I don’t know why exactly the FFA thread freaked me out (or “triggered my anxiety,” as the kids say). Though I had been experiencing more stress than normal in last June, I hadn’t had an anxiety attack that severe in probably a year.

  1. compassionatedragon said: I love how you’ve got your own category all to yourself.
  2. agentsex posted this