September 18, 2014





Notice only 20 shades of gray

It’s been proven that women actually have an acute ability to pick up subtle differences in colors

In response to that last comment^^

Yes. It comes from the Hunter-Gatherer days.

Women were the gatherers. They had to be able to discern between the different shades of colors to know which plants were poisonous and which were not.

Men were out hunting, so they didn’t have to worry about that.

Which is why women see “Blood orange” and “crimson” and “scarlet” etc while guys just see “red”.

I love how this kind of gender essentialist bullshit always hoists itself on its own sexist petard, because you see those “studies” thrown around (which are TOTALLY about what people can actually see vs kids assigned male being taught that colors are red, orange, etc while kids assigned female are taught shades and differences and the studies that HAVE shown if we aren’t taught to identify a color it changes how we see it like the Japanese ao vs Western blue and green and other languages with no words for colors we take for granted) ….and then they turn around and claim that the great painters have to all be male and men have to dominate the fashion, art, and design worlds because women just generally have no eye for that kind of thing.

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