
Cover of the New York Times Art Section announcing the Ellis Island Unframed project opening to the public ! More infos http://saveellisisland.org #ellisisland #UnframedProject thanks @ebanola :)

Have you been following the progress on JR’S latest installation? I have! I am continually impressed and inspired by how JR and his team push the boundaries of what is otherwise a simple medium: black and white photography and paste ups. His recent project with the NY Ballet blew my mind, but this Ellis Island project really takes the cake. His use of portraiture overlaid on to the historic Ellis Island building is one of the best recent examples of wordless interpretation in a history museum context. Talk about a narrative environment! Check out his Tumblr and instagram feed for more images. jrartist

6jr, Narrative Environments, wordless interpretation, intentional design, ellis island, Exhibition Design,