
It’s just so weird that people who say that Ianto is bisexual use as ‘proof’ the quote from the Twilight Streets (which they’ve read on Wikipedia) when what in fact happened was Gwen calling him bisexual and Ianto going on a two-minute monologue how he doesn’t want to fit himself into the world ‘that loves its nice shiny labels’ (actual quote) and gets so riled up about it that Gwen gets worried that an alien is influencing him in some way.

I’m just still unable to understand why people are so keen to label him when there are so many characters out there that are not so wildly against being labeled in canon.


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    I actually think that Jack’s attitude towards this is natural. I mean, if we think logically, then I’m pretty sure by...
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    My thought on this is that Torchwood (and the few other outlets of media that include characters who seem to be...
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