May 1, 2014
“ Just walked for my sisters fashion show for college #NotAModel
Too pretty to be a model.
You’d put all of the other models out of jobs and destroy the industry so they won’t yet you.


Just walked for my sisters fashion show for college #NotAModel

Too pretty to be a model.
You’d put all of the other models out of jobs and destroy the industry so they won’t yet you.

11:05pm  |   URL:
Filed under: cutie 
  1. porcupinecone said: Love the hair <3
  2. porcupinecone reblogged this from canijustbellarke
  3. captainpyjamashark-blog-blog reblogged this from canijustbellarke and added:
    Too pretty to be a model. You’d put all of the other models out of jobs and destroy the industry so they won’t yet you.
  4. canijustbellarke posted this