Celebrating TED+1: Lesterland, the podcast, Lesterland, the paper edition, and Republic, Lost, now ccFree

One year ago today, I presented “We the People, and the Republic We Must Reclaim” at TED. 1.2 million views later, I’m celebrating in three great ways.

  1. There’s a now a print edition of the companion book that I wrote to expand on the talk: 
    (Thanks to Jin Suk for the fantastic cover design.)
  2. There’s a new free podcast of me reading the companion book.
  3. Republic, Lost, which was the foundation for the talk and the new book, is now #cc licensed. You can download it freely here. Please share it well.  

Thanks to everyone for the incredible feedback on the talk, and the endless help to spread these ideas — by TED of course, but by many others too. 

Here again is the TED talk: