Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



A step in the right direction

This is my first blog, and I decided to create one, so I can get better at writing, expressing my opinion, and analyzing things.  Analyzing what you ask?  Well, I am naturally a very analytical person (I am a Virgo after all) of everything and everyone, but I am immersing myself in talking about the “design of everyday things” :-)

I don’t want to limit myself in what I talk about.  I don’t just wanna talk about the tech world which I have been working in for 8+ years, but other areas as well - about things that are around me all the time.  For instance, I have a 3 year old son, who has numerous toys that are small, large, noisy, full of different parts.  I have to explain to him how to shoot a missile out of the toy or how to fix the Thomas train track that he loves so much.  Whenever I do explain to my son how to do something, I find myself analyzing why the toy designer decided to make it a certain why and why it wasn’t made another way.  It’s quite fun. Haha.

Anyways, I won’t bore you right away, so let me say this - if we as humans don’t pay attention to how we interact with people, products, and the environment we live in, we cannot make it better.