Day: 891
Shirt: Big Black - The Hammer Party (Reproduction)
Color: Yellow
Brand: Fruit Of The Loom Best
Source: a few months ago i was going through a Steve Albini Phase. i listened to everything. Big Black, Shellac, Rapeman, Pegboy, shit he just...

Day: 891
Shirt: Big Black - The Hammer Party (Reproduction)
Color:  Yellow
Brand: Fruit Of The Loom Best
Source: a few months ago i was going through a Steve Albini Phase.  i listened to everything.  Big Black, Shellac, Rapeman, Pegboy, shit he just produced ALL OF IT.  its one of the things in life a really enjoy doing…sinking in.   its just how my brain works.  I could change an alternator in a car no problem but i like to know why the alternator does what it does first and then i want to know about the engine as a whole , who it works and how the alternator is crucial to it, and why it would break in the first place.  

sounds like a tangent i know but i swear it is not, if you think about it and you can apply the same methodology to music and or musicians.  why they go from one band with one style of music to can see the transitions.  of in Steve Albini’s case you can hear a lot of Big Black in Nirvanas In Utero.  its like a digital signature you have to pay attention to hear.  

so after i came out of my rabbit hold of Stev Albini i decided to make a few shirts that i never go to own so i took this album cover and dissected it into this shirt. 

then i didnt want to ruin the cover itself by making it say BIG Black giant on it so i added my own little touch to the side of the glasses.  all n all i am really proud of this shirt and think it came out wonderfully.  my only regret is that i wish i could have done the same thing with Atomizer but that artwork is too square and just ended up looking like one of my bigger t-shirt beefs, the square album art on shirt, with no creativity.  

In Case anyone wants one there are a few left up in my store.  so go share em with someone who respects Albini like i do.

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  1. theminorthread posted this