Day: 913
Shirt: Joy Division - An Ideal For Living
Color:  Black
Brand: Allstyle Apparel
Source: one of the most influential (punk)  bands of the 70’s most people still don’t know that “Joy Division” is a name with a Nazi background.   the Name was borrowed from the prostitution wing of a Nazi concentration camp mentioned in the 1955 novel House of Dolls.  Today it has little meaning other that having a throaty punk rock singing style and the “dude who killed himself.”  I for one am glad to see the name re appropriated and turned for a better cause.  I wish all word of hatred were used this way.  Used in conjunction with other words we can’t live without and love so that it takes the power away from them. 

If you don’t believe me just watch south park a lot, i think they have the same ideas.  Joy Division was just the first one to do it.  

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