Day: 1125

Shirt: Nirvana - Nevermind

Color:  White

Brand: Giant

Source:  i don’t have to state the obv here about what a game changer album this is.  i was a fan of Bleach when it came out, a friend of mine turned me onto it and i enjoyed it.  when this album came out i instantly repelled away from it.  the punk rock kid in me didn’t want any part of what was a massive general population favorite.  thats just who i was, i didn’t want to be part of something that was so popular. when your mom knows who the band is that is a good litmus test to prove my point.  so for the longest time i didn’t enjoy this album.  its not like i had to own it to because it was fucking being played everywhere.  you couldn’t escape it.  It wasn’t until In Utero came out and Steve Albini was involved that i gave in and went back.  but still at this point i only barely went back.  In Utero still remains to be  my favorite album to this day.  the real clincher for me for this band was the MTV unplugged session.  it wasn’t until that point that all these songs kinda fell into place for me and i was able to enjoy them on a an entirely different plane.  the Meat Puppets covers didn’t hurt either.  Then i went back to this album, soaked in all the singles and b-sides and really was able to enjoy it at this point.  

Was i late to the party? sure.  do you always have to be on time?  fuck no!  sometimes albums are like Brussel Sprouts.  unless you are ready to enjoy them, your mind will truly never let you get 100% out of them.  and how they are presented to you as well will also change your perspective.  you can have them frozen, over cooked and bland (how i view the radio and when it goes popular and broad spectrum)

Or you can have them made for you by a chef who taste you love and respect and everything they make for you is amazing.  they could cook a human arm and i would think it was delicious.  this is what i would compare to as the curated album delivery. 

they look and smell so much better.  your mind is already open to the idea.  you are faster to receive it and more limey to enjoy it right off the bat.  

I fucking hated brussel sprouts it should be noted.  but later in life i had them served to me when i had a more open mind and was more receptive.  had these been served to me when i was 18 who knows if i would have appreciated them as much. might have changed the way i ate for the rest of my life.  Or i might have just written them off and forgot about it.  

I ramble i know, but I’m saying ghee dis don’t fucking be in a rush to enjoy bands cause you think you should, cause other people are.  i often have a list of bands that id like to discover but i wanna do it when i am ready.  sometimes i will submerge myself in a bands catalog and listen for months (this is usually how shirts like Big Black get made). so enjoy stuff when you want to, not because you think you should.  and don’t be scared to go back and re-enjoy something because you dint get it the first time, i think you will find it surprising.  

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