Day: 1133

Shirt: Ty Segall Band - Slaughterhouse

Color:  Black

Brand: Gilden Softstyle

Source: another Band I’m really psyched on seeing at fyffest next week.  since 2008 Ty Segall has put out at least one album a year.  normally i am a fan of editing.  meaning just because you wrote a song and recorded it doesn’t make it good and you don’t have to put it out.  but Ty seems to have it in him to crank out not only many great songs, but can also make each album sound unique whether it be album collaborators like White Fence (my fav collar he has done)

TY / White Fence by Minor Thread on Grooveshark

or producers (like whomever did his new album Manipulator

which is kind of an amazing album i think.  Cause i think when you crank and write like he does you only really refine your craft.  you get more technical, more comfortable, and confident.  Manipulator to me is an album that is just telling people, oh you think i can only make a garage album..well suck on this!  its got hooks, great production the works.  it rides that fine line like i think In Utero did where it was polished but still punk with the roots fully in there and obvious.  

Luckily for me, not only is he playing fyffest but he is also doing 4 Nights at the Echo in Los angeles, where he undoubtedly could play every song he has ever written in a row.  who knows what he does.  but i bet each night will be fucking good and he will def melt some faces and blow some minds.  

and he has some great support bands, like the Zig Zags and Endless Bummer.  click the image to buy tickets if you will be in the LA area.  cause lets face it, you are dumb if you don’t.  but i mean that in a nice way…like you would kick yourself if i told you 10 years form now you could a seen him 4 nights in a row at the echo.  you low what i mean?  go buy manipulator when it comes out.  its fucking good.  Ps this is not a paid advertisement.  i just get hyped on this guy who does rad stuff.  

love me

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