Day: 1151
Shirt: Jawbreaker - New Yorker
Color: Tan
Brand: Fruit Of The Loom Heavy
Source: from thursday..I was just thinking the other day how these guys need get back together already. I don’t really know what the hold up is…well i do its Blake....

Day: 1151

Shirt: Jawbreaker - New Yorker

Color:  Tan

Brand: Fruit Of The Loom Heavy

Source: from thursday..I was just thinking the other day how these guys need get back together already.  I don’t really know what the hold up is…well i do its Blake. but i don’t understand why.  Just do it already and if you think its going to be shit.  prove us wrong and if it is rad and people are stoked let us prove YOU wrong. either rway do something about it!  or quit re-issing albums and remastering shit only to get everyone all hyped up only to cock block it all.  do it already.  do it.  

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