Day: 1195
Shirt: Mercyful Fate - Melissa
Color: Black
Brand: Hanes
Source: (from Saturday 18th) on Saturday i basically begged people to help find me a ticket to King Diamond in LA on Halloween. i thought i would be out of town at this point so...

Day: 1195

Shirt: Mercyful Fate - Melissa

Color:  Black

Brand: Hanes 

Source: (from Saturday 18th) on Saturday i basically begged people to help find me a ticket to King Diamond in LA on Halloween.  i thought i would be out of town at this point so bought tickets to SF show, but turns out plans were cancelled and now th eLA show is sold out and missed out on them both. i just want to see the prince of darkness on halloween, is that too much to ask? ps i still need a ticket if you hear of anything.  

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