Day #389 No Use For A Name - Devil
Color: Black
Brand: Delta
Source: Maybe I’m just getting older, but i feel like people that should be leaving are passing far to early. People that just don’t need to go. I found out yesterday too late to post this...

Day #389 No Use For A Name - Devil

Color: Black

Brand: Delta

Source:  Maybe I’m just getting older, but i feel like people that should be leaving  are passing far to early.  People that just don’t need to go.  I found out yesterday too late to post this up, so i am a day late.  But for any of you that didn’t know, Tony Sly the singer of NUFAN passed away a few days ago of yet unknown causes.  So any of you that didn’t catch them play recently with NOFX blew it, and if that dosent give you reason enough to go out and see the bands you love i don’t know what will.   One day they are with us, then next gone.  

Same goes for friends and family.  the things you enjoy, they can all disappear in the blink of an eye.  giving you and everyone around you good reason to treat everyone you know and love with respect and smiles.  Thanks them when they do something nice, congratulate them when they win, support them when they are down, and just like when you are in the pit, reach a hand down and help them back up regardless of who they are.  no one deserves to get stomped on when they are down. 

NUFAN gave us, me at least some really great musical performances and a few songs that i consider perfect punk songs, from an unforgettable era and i want to thank them for that. Regardless of how Tony went out, i will remember him for what he gave to punk rock and always appreciate him for that.

Speaking of being thankful, if you have read this far i want to thank you guys the readers of this sometimes boring blog for sticking in there and sending nice emails and leaving comments, and spreading the word.

It’s a nice day out, don’t forget that.  do whatever you need to make it a great day.

27 notes


  1. thepunkrockkidd1974 reblogged this from nofxboys-blog
  2. nofxboys-blog reblogged this from theminorthread
  3. danpunkrock-blog said: RIP Tony! Thanks for all those precious moments and memories!
  4. himynameiswarren reblogged this from theminorthread
  5. seanlogic said: I got to see NUFAN play with NOFX at the Filmore in SF a few months back. I had never listened to their catalog that much but their set really won me over. Bums me out that Tony is gone right when I was starting to really get into his work.
  6. theminorthread posted this