Day: 822
Shirt: Dillinger Four - Music Is None Of My Business
Color:  Grey
Brand: Gilden Ultra Cotton
Source: you gotta love a band who still rocks and Angelfire website and owns the fact that they do.   

I think i saw D4 in Vegas for the first time…it was at maybe the 2nd Punk Rock Bowling event thing in Vegas.  Back when the Bowling Part was the draw and if you were lucky there was 1-2 shows to go see after the bowling.  99?  or 2000 but i am pretty sure it was 99.  but I’m rambling. 

My point being is that there was a night show (1), and there was all this buzz about this band from Minneapolis who were punk as fuck and a new coming of Black Flag sort of thing.  and the singer was crazy.  if memory serves i think the Singer even had a giant D4 tattoo on his chest or back but it was giant.  and when he took his shirt off it made the whole crowd laugh.  either way it was a great show and i walked away in one of those rare moments where you were immediately sold and became a fan.  

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