“ Google Drive has this neat little automatic list generator built into it. Here’s how it works:
“ 1) Open a spreadsheet.
2) Enter two related items in cells A1 and A2.
3) Highlight A1 and A2. Hold down option (or “ctrl” for Windows)...


Google Drive has this neat little automatic list generator built into it. Here’s how it works:

1) Open a spreadsheet.

2) Enter two related items in cells A1 and A2. 

3) Highlight A1 and A2. Hold down option (or “ctrl” for Windows) and drag the lower right corner down.

Boom! You’ve got a list. Here’s some more we did, but try it for yourself and send us any funny/weird/creepy ones you come up with. 

I’m just going to take this moment right here to point out that I’ve never heard a dog make a noise that sounds like “dog” before.

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    Now that is just cool
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    Entertained me for a loooong time
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