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Game of Thrones and Consent

So here’s my issue with the Cersei and Jamie rape scene. Honestly in the books it was still not okay. Like seriously. It bothered me. No it wasn’t an out right attack, but it was super coercive and that’s not okay. And honestly because of the show’s track record, I wasn’t surprised when the show decided that it would be a good idea for Jamie to use excessive force.

Drogo and Daenerys’ wedding night in the show was rape. In the book, no. But Drogo no doubt was also a rapist, as that was Dothraki tradition when pillaging and such. 

My boyfriend refuses to watch Game of Thrones, and Mad Men with me. He doesn’t understand why as a woman, and as a survivor and this is always my response: While the shows are intrenched with sexism, racism, and homophobia, it at least has each character be a well developed person instead of a mere plot device. Which is what many shows and movies do. Women, POC, and queer people are too often plot devices. (I have many qualms with both shows because they are by far from perfect and sometimes there are characters that are introduced solely as a plot device for example: Ros in Game of Thrones)

But here’s my concern with continuing watching this show. The books are already horribly violent, and plenty plenty rapey. I mean the threat alone of rape is on almost every page. How many rape threats has Sansa lived through- on top of the near gang rape that was seconds away from happening? Arya? Daenerys? Cersei has been raped by Robert more than once. Every Wildling woman is raised essentially to only respect men who “steal” or “take” them… doesn’t sound like a lot of room for consent there. OH and can’t forget the Iron Way now can we? Any way you get the jist, lots of rape happening or strong threats of rape happening. 

So what will happen when *SPOILER ALERT* Brienne is actually raped? Like she’s raped in the books and it’s nearly impossible to read as a survivor… what is the show going to do with it? I mean they added the torture porn of Ramsay Snow, they turned Drogo and Danny’s scene which wasn’t rape into very much rape, and they amplified a scene that was ify into clearly rape. I don’t know if I can handle watching something that is actually supposed to be rape. Are they going to show it? I think so, because I’ve seen an interview Gwendoline Christie and she said that the strangest thing she’s had to do is bite a man’s ear off, so I’m pretty sure that its going to be a pretty gruesome scene. And I don’t know if I’m going to be able to watch it. 

I don’t understand how the Song of Ice and Fire books don’t already have enough violence against women, or violence of every kind for HBO?  I mean for fuck’s sake its a war torn country with mystical beasts, faceless assassins, terrifying warlocks, and poisons that will kill you by making your head turn purple and your eyes bleed. George RR Martin did a really good job writing a fantastic story, yes there’s things that have to be adapted in order for them to translate well onto the screen, but adding in things like torture porn, and more rape aren’t really necessary to make the show interesting. If anything they make the show less appealing. 

  1. seafoamispretty posted this