SMOD Standalone goes public!

Here it is! The latest “unofficial” update to SMOD40aq.

What is SMOD Standalone, you may ask?

SMOD Standalone is Pepsifan04 try to save SMOD from slowly death caused by constant Source and Steam updates.
It also fixes Lua code that broke with the Update of Source SDK Base 2006 to .vpk format.
It does have some additional features and big updatetibilty potential, causing it to be long-term project that, will hopefully bring SMOD back to life!
We’re also hoping that this version will become “Official” patch to our beloved SMOD

SMOD Standalone brings several features to SMOD, specific to this release:

1. LAA Flag: SMOD is now constantly LAA (Large Address Aware) allowing for usage of more than 512MB game memory and therefore more costly models and better quality textures.

2. Fixed LUA support for SMOD: Bring back life and action to your beloved SMODs mapadds.

3. SteamAppId is back to 220: Engine is back on 220 version! this is pre may 26th update version! Fixes Several issues, brings back trains and many more that was cut out, to make SMOD work again due to the infamous may 26th update.

4. Different file and tiers structure, that’ll allow for smaller 3rd party SMOD mods: SMOD now comes with it’s custom files as a base; what does this means? For developers: You no longer need to redistribute non-HDR maps with your release, basic Half-Life 2 files and basic SMOD files. Only the modded ones!

4.5 SMOD now uses Orangebox engine version, which brings enchanted game performance and slightly better SMOD stability, as for now of course, SMOD Standalone has big updatebility potential, thanks to it’s custom source code written by Pepsifan04


What does it do?
As the name says: it makes SMOD standalone and Steam non-dependent, that is of course for playing.
Installation process requires from user to have Steam installed and own Half-Life 2 and Source SDK.

Or more precisely: Automated installer extracts .vpk archives from Source SDK Base 2006 and moves extracted files to a separate location,
To provide independent, yet legal, source of Half-Life 2 files that will survive any Steam or Source Update.

There are possibilities of making SMOD be able to launch HL2:Episode 2 maps, HDR any many more.
(Some features are already confirmed to “work” but they make game very unstable at the moment)


As of now , you can download it form several sources (Thanks for Biz from for providing mirrors)

All of them can be found in the “authentication” section of our page, under “SMOD Standalone” header.

We’re hoping that this “update” will become useful to all SMOD modders, and of course Crylife is already updated to this new format

If you have any questions or problems with this release please send them to our e-mail: or visit thread devoted to this release

Dev.Muffin Group.