July 23, 2014
“Mac OS X Yosemite preview
It’s easy to say that Yosemite does to the Mac what iOS 7 did to the iPhone, but that’s not quite right. The design principles in iOS 7 and many of the ideas that make iOS 8 so exciting are lurking behind...


Mac OS X Yosemite preview
It’s easy to say that Yosemite does to the Mac what iOS 7 did to the iPhone, but that’s not quite right. The design principles in iOS 7 and many of the ideas that make iOS 8 so exciting are lurking behind the semi-translucent interfaces on Yosemite. But they’re not simple copies; this is Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite — emphasis on the Mac.

(via theverge)

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    Dammit, i should have stayed in my previous relationship. At least for the promised macbook pro. #couldashouldawoulda
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