
destroy me

“ Guys, I know that this isn’t a girl switching shows in a circle or a cute cat freaking out and running around a bed, but it’s important. My uncle, along with so many other people died 11 years ago tomorrow. My cousin has had to grow up...


Guys, I know that this isn’t a girl switching shows in a circle or a cute cat freaking out and running around a bed, but it’s important. My uncle, along with so many other people died 11 years ago tomorrow. My cousin has had to grow up without a father, her brother won’t ever get on a plane, her mother remarried to a man whose wife went down with her husband, all of them cry at the touch of a hat, sob at anything at all that reminds them of him. People at my school get so irritated about having to spend 15 minutes in class on 9/11 watching a tribute to the lost souls, but for those of us who will never get over it, it’s nice to have that one day that you can just break down and cry without having to worry about being thought of in a poor light. I hope this never happens again, and I hope that every single one of you realizes how lucky you are to still be alive today.

(via alalae)

Posted Tue Sep 11 at 1:37pm with 146,511 notes
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    A horrific series of events from a twisted mindset (holy war = bull shit. No matter what religion it is) that fails to...
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