September 15, 2014



Can anyone give me information on Robin Goodfellow/Puck? I know the basics (he’s a type of brownie/Green Man/Pan figure), but are there any specifics about him? None of my research is showing me anything. UPG’s welcome!

(Anything on Oberon as well;…

Sooooort of.

Like any good author, Shakespeare stole from folklore, legend, other authors, and guys in the pub; like any GREAT author, Shakes stole blatantly and then had fun with it. Puck and Oberon are examples if that.

Puck is a figure straight from English folklore, probably originally Cornwall. “Robin Goodfellow” was a catch-all name for fairy spirits in a number of places. There is strong linguistic evidence that there is a relation to the Welsh puca (also transliterated pookah).

Oberon is a bit more complicated. His name most likely derives from the Germanic Alberich via the Norman French Auberoy and then to early modern English as Auberon and then Oberon. All of them translate as “Elf king”. In England the name was used as a generic name for any such figure originally, although eventually Oberon developed his own mythos. Alberich, of course, has his own myths. See: Wagner.

(via vlfgrim)

  1. azirxphale reblogged this from robin-goodfellow
  2. donnadellaforesta reblogged this from sasskarian-archive and added:
    I’m just real glad they didn’t throw Cernunnos in there.
  3. lightspun reblogged this from vlfgrim and added:
    They are Shakespearian, but like a lot of Shakespear’s work they were based on something that already exists, at least...
  4. prosperosfootnotes reblogged this from vlfgrim and added:
    Sooooort of.Like any good author, Shakespeare stole from folklore, legend, other authors, and guys in the pub; like any...
  5. thedaggerofsight reblogged this from robin-goodfellow
  6. winebrightruby reblogged this from a-romantic-egotist and added:
    There’s a fair number of academic books and articles on Midsummer Night’s Dream that talk about the folklore and sources...
  7. robin-goodfellow reblogged this from a-romantic-egotist and added:
    Due to my URL, I suppose I’m obligated to atleast try to answer. Just as a note, Puck and Pan aren’t really related. Pan...
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