The Bruhnette Gazette — Look at what we made over the weekend! I’ve been...

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Look at what we made over the weekend!

I’ve been seeing a lot of pictures lately showing hanging planters, but I couldn’t find one anywhere, so we decided to make our own. It look a long time at the hardware store trying to find the brackets that we needed, but we now have an “over-the-door hanging planter”. This is completely removable (since we live in an apartment, we want to be able to take it with us whenever we move), and it only cost about $18 to make! This includes the wood, brackets, screws, and the brown planters.

I’m really excited about our little balcony garden, we’ve been working on it for a couple of months now and (I think) it’s coming along quite nicely. The top planter contains peppermint, the middle contains stevia, chives, & basil, while we left the bottom empty to plant some spinach & kale later in the season.

Our balcony planters are doing really nicely too! The full one contains carrots & cucumbers, while the other two have lettuce, cilantro, & bell peppers which are just starting to sprout. 

And that big round pot? Pumpkin! It should be ready for harvest about a week before Halloween, perfect timing! 

urban farming herb garden apartment gardening balcony gardening grow your own

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