Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



3 February 2011 – Escaping from the bowels of the library to rest my Winckelmann-laden mind, a greater part of the day was spent basking in the brilliance of an incredible spring-like afternoon. A balmy 52 degrees with the sun brightly shining,...

3 February 2011 – Escaping from the bowels of the library to rest my Winckelmann-laden mind, a greater part of the day was spent basking in the brilliance of an incredible spring-like afternoon. A balmy 52 degrees with the sun brightly shining, Somerset House was ablaze with students and businessmen and women enjoying the warmth of this welcomed occasion. While nothing compares to the smell and the feel of a crisp January snowfall, there is something to be said for the sun-drenched streets of The Strand and public excitement it inspires – never has there been a more perfect day in London.