Apple Juice. It's frakkin' delicious.

I'm in love with SciFi and superheroes. it's a little bit of everything here. Arrow, The 100, sense8, The Flash, OUAT, Marvel (MCU, AoS, Agent Carter, you name it), Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Merlin, Potterhead, Ravenclaw, Firefly, Disney, Star Wars, Whedonite, LOTR, Battlestar Galactica, and don't get me started on musicals.

“ sarahreesbrennan:
“ geek-ramblings:
“ When I first got this role I just cried like a baby because I was like, “Wow, next Halloween, I’m gonna open the door and there’s gonna be a little kid dressed as the Falcon.” That’s the thing that...




When I first got this role I just cried like a baby because I was like, “Wow, next Halloween, I’m gonna open the door and there’s gonna be a little kid dressed as the Falcon.” That’s the thing that always gets me. I feel like everybody deserves that. I feel like there should be a Latino superhero. Scarlett [Johansson] does great representation for all the other girls, but there should be a Wonder Woman movie. I don’t care if they make 20 bucks, if there’s a movie you’re gonna lose money on, make it Wonder Woman. You know what I mean, ’cause little girls deserve that. There’s so many of these little people out here doing awful things for money in the world of being famous. And little girls see that. They should have the opposite spectrum of that to look up to.

Dreamboat, check, awesome human being, check. 

(via jcventer-deactivated20210722)

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