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I See Your Cupcake and Raise You a Macaron

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How about those mid-winter sinus infections, eh? Pretty awful, in case you haven’t had a run-in with one in awhile. A little bit more than awful, but I’ll spare you the details and let you know that I’ve officially started climbing back up the healthy ladder.

In the meantime, any big plans for Valentines Day over your way? Back before my sinuses clogged last week, we had a lovely evening complete with one of those balanced meals of meat, potatoes, and veggies, and then we washed it all down with these lovely little almond nuggets.

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Lette contacted me a couple weeks ago, probably because they knew how much I favor a macaron to a cupcake and all, and they went out of their way to send us a little tasting from California. We ordered at least one of everything, because, really, how else are you supposed to do it? Well, here’s the official Alex and Tina breakdown  of Lette macaron flavors.

Tina’s favorite: lemon
Alex’s favorite: passion fruit
Tina’s least favorite: coconut (knew if before I took a bite, though)
Alex’s least favorite: sweet wedding almond
The macaron we’d most likely share again because we both liked it so much: either pistachio or raspberry

Pleasant surprise: Earl Grey Tea

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And there you have it. Delish. Honorable mentions, of course, include everything else, but we had definite strong favorites in this little dessert roulette. Plus, sharing macarons with a loved one is the most romantic of nights. They’re small enough that you can have more than one without feeling guilty, but big enough that you can get two bites (one for you, one for them) out of each treat.

It’s hard to get fresh macarons (good ones, at least) in Maryland, so the overnight delivery from the west coast was a wonderful treat to kill our cabin fever blues, if only for a night (or two or three, these babies lasted us awhile).

If you’re still looking for something to do for this sappy, lovey dovey holiday we celebrate here in a couple of days, lette me tell you… (hehe) should probably go order yourself some lemon and passion fruit macarons. 

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