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Friday’s Letters Take 16

What a week. I miss vacation. Here’s to the weekend. Cheers!


Dear Natalie Portman, I didn’t say anything to you. But all I wanted to say the entire time we I stared awkwardly at each other you at Snack Bar last Friday was this: “I don’t want to make a scene. But I just want you to know that Garden State is my favorite movie ever. Thank you.” Oh… and this “You have the most adorable, perfectly groomed dog ever. Adorable.”

Dear Ashley, Sometimes you read this. Hopefully you do this time. Hi. :) My hair dryer broke during our trip to Texas. And then you vlogged about Hana. I thank you. So do my CU Rewards Points. My husband, however, does not. But the credit card and my hair outweigh his thoughts. Thanks!!!

Dear Austin, You kind of rocked. I love you so much.


Dear Readers, I still have so many Texas adventures to share with you! Stay tuned!

*this next part has been updated because SOMEONE is using the internet on her honeymoon*

Dear Phuongnhu, Turn the computer off. You made the perfect bride. I’ve never seen you so happy. You were gorgeous, inside and out. But what’s new? You shouldn’t be reading this right now because you are on your HONEYMOON! We had a blast in Austin! And, yes, I stole this photo from Facebook because I didn’t do too well with taking pictures at your wedding. I was too busy crying I can’t-believe-we’re-all-grown-up-now tears. I love you.


Dear Fire Ants, So apparently I’m allergic to you. And no, I won’t be sharing any images of what you did to my feet with blog-land because it’s just too disgusting. And it’s more scary on this side of things realizing that I was heading toward anaphylactic shock. You solidified my beliefs that I do not belong in the south. Find a predator and go die off now.

Dear Prednisone, I hate you. Yes, I said that. You are the worse medicine I have ever had to take. However, it’s been four days now with you and my feet are finally starting to look like feet again. So thank you for that.

Dear Husband, Thank you for dealing with me and said prednisone this week. I am sorry I’ve been so mean. Well, mean-er.

Oh, and in case you missed any of this week’s posts:

My Birthday

A Lovely Stroll Through the Park with my Cousins

The Salt Lick

Our Most Recent Date Night

You know the drill. Peace out, girl scouts.

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