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Christmastime in Annapolis {1}


The weekends can be so daunting. They demand so much of your time and require you to focus on so many priorities at once. How am I supposed to catch up on sleep, relax, socialize, catch up on housework, and make it to a few awesome outings all in 2 days and three nights? It’s exhausting.

So something always gives. This weekend it was the housework. Didn’t do it. Nada. I started my first load of laundry at 8 pm on Sunday night. But what we did instead was make sure that we spent our Saturday sleeping in, making it to the gym, and dragging our showered and dressed selves out for the night.

Before the night, actually. Because I wanted to take pictures. (and this girl can’t take pictures at night yet). I gripe about where we live a little too often but I love Annapolis. I love that it is my hometown. I love the two years I lived there after college in an overpriced apartment. I love that I work in town. I love that we bought a house only a 15 minute’s drive from downtown. I love that it is home. And I forget that sometimes

Lucky us. They (Who’s they? I don’t know…) were decorating the streets for the holidays when we arrived. It smelled of wintertime crispness and fresh pine. I think the fact that they were knee deep in the process of decorating for the holidays made it feel more like Christmastime than if the decorations were finished. Needles scattered the sidewalks as they carried the strands of fresh cuttings from storefront to storefront. They shouted across the brick streets to one another, asking if this was centered or if that was hanging too low. Their radio played classics of the Nat King Cole variety. If this isn’t Christmastime than I don’t know what is.

So with the last few moments before sunset upon us and a piping hot white chocolate peppermint mocha to sip as we walked, we soaked in Christmastime in Annapolis. And completely forgot about that housework waiting to be done back at home.










….. to be continued…..

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