
fan: "devotee," 1889, American English, probably a shortening of "fanatic," but may be influenced by the word "fancy."

Continuing My Lost Girl Season 3 Guesses

So, I’m finding it very difficult to get The Ceremony out of my head. And, I’ve come back to something that initially cut me  because it disturbed me so much: how everyone seems more anxious at the end of Bo’s Dawning than before it. Look at these:


This is as Bo is gearing up to chi-suck them all.

But Lauren, most of all I think, is fretting to begin and is downright scared at the end. See her progression:


That’s before the Dawning, as she finishes talking to Dyson. You can see the wheels spinning there. She’s no dummy; she knows stuff and is puzzling it through.


That’s her after Bo and Dyson return from Bo’s temple, right after Bo says in her pain, “The baby isn’t real,” and right before Bo goes super succubus on the room. That’s concern, anxiety, and dread, I think. —Now here is a series of Lauren right after Bo has reanimated Dyson. 






I do not think Lauren’s reaction here is her comparing herself to Dyson in terms of Bo’s love interest. I think she has her scientist cap on here, thinking about what it means that Bo can reanimate people, can bring them back from the dead, and that she has harnessed some demon-like power within herself. She’s terrified. For Bo and probably of Bo. Lauren has always been, almost singularly, concerned about this power in Bo when she has seen it, with the Lich and in 3.05. And, I think she has a good instinct.

I think Lauren is smart enough to realize that Bo’s trigger seems to be her love for people, her people, her family of people, whether Bo is going super succubus for her or Kenzi or Dyson; she knows Bo is motivated by her love. So, I don’t think she is doubting Bo’s love for her in this scene. I think she is wondering where this power comes from and if it is controlling Bo or if Bo is controlling it. Can it pervert Bo’s motivation? 

And, Lauren does check Trick very quickly before casting her eyes downward. Lauren knows this is not a good sign, and she really doesn’t need to check that instinct with Trick.


And, poor Kenzi. She has already been reassured by Trick about her options, and Bo has returned but she doesn’t look relieved. First of all, I am not sure of Trick’s sincerity in offering to claim her, and maybe she isn’t either, especially after all he has said about humans this season.


Does Trick look totally sincere there to you? No, he doesn’t. He’s worried…about Kenzi having the idea in her head that she can become fae (did you see his deflection when she asked him point blank about that?), or about Bo returning as something else or about what really happens to Kenzi if Bo doesn’t come back… He has too many secrets and tells people what they want to hear sometimes. I am not convinced that Kenzi’s future is as safe as he suggests.

WHOA! And, we thought we would have some closure after Bo’s Dawning! The Lost Girl’s writers have woven a wonderful tale this season, I tell ya.

And, now, I am moving to Delinquents (3.10), which, obviously is pure speculation at this point. But I’m calling my hunches now.

The synopsis says, “Bo is given some emotional news that is hard for her to accept.” I think this is from Tamsin about her father. I actually do think Tamsin is going to tell Bo who her father is and that there is a fae hit out on her. I don’t think this is a Lauren break-up thing. And, as I said in my first post about season 3 storylines, I think this is where Tamsin becomes an ally, firmly on Bo’s side.

Because in Adventures in Fae-bysitting (3.11) the synopsis says, “Lauren comes to a difficult—and dangerous—decision.” I’m thinking this is Lauren’s big science break through; her free radicals and fae-ness. Does she try to make herself fae for Bo? Or, does she put some human plan in play against the evil threatening Bo and in doing so, put herself directly in the line of danger? I’m kind of leaning towards her free radicals blend to make her (and Kenzi?) fae.

And, this is how I think the Bo crying and Lauren slapping Tamsin teaser will play out. Tamsin visit Bo at the crack shack to tell her there’s a hit out on her and possibly who her father is. Bad news, right? And, Tamsin hugs her as a gesture of comfort. So, Bo goes to talk to Lauren about it. It probably comes out, too, that she kissed Tamsin at Brazenwood. It’s emotional; Bo leaves crying. Back at the crack shack she returns, only to have Lauren show up a bit later to talk some more. And, Bo opens up to her, too, about her feelings of her Dawning, which sets off Lauren’s already on high alert spidey senses. And, she talks to Kenzi while she’s there, but finds out that Kenzi does not, or cannot, share her feelings about Bo. Kenzi defends Bo. Next up, Lauren is back at her apartment and gets a visit from Tamsin who steps over Lauren’s line…what could that be? Lauren has been accused of stuff, sneaky motivations, spying, loyalty things, and always kept her cool. I actually am not sure what Tamsin could say to inspire such an act from Lauren, but I will guess it might be that Lauren is somehow playing a part in Bo being targeted, or that Tamsin will smoke her out for Bo to see because Tamsin is playing on Bo’s side now. And, the sad Lauren we see at the Dal talking to Dyson, well, Lauren is sad. I bet she’s sad that she was looking at Dyson as being a threat for taking Bo away, but it was Bo’s father all along going to take her away.

Anyway, I’ve gone on way too long. I’m sure no one will read this all the way through. 

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