1. I don’t know why I haven’t felt like writing because when I write, I do feel more alive, I guess there’s no reason to seek empathy for happiness. Happiness is an intrinsic reward. 

    I know that there’s something dire within me that will find its way out sooner or later and I feel like that even when things are alright; like I am my own worst enemy and as if I could jinx things just by being happy. I am afraid to be happy at times when I should be happy in case everything will go to ruins soon if I am. Isn’t that the best it gets though? Enjoying happiness while it lasts? I’m always in a twilight zone with my emotions.. like the over whelming feeling is a cautious grey but there’s sprinkles of emotions few and far in between. I look over at dad laughing and I can feel heath emanating from his smile. I freakin love that you know? I’ve spent so much time alone of my childhood that things like this can really make me feel like life is beautiful and there is hope for love. This is the few moments of happiness that I was speaking of earlier; this is the few profoundly simple moments of happiness that I live for. Recently they have been more frequent than usual, and that’s something to be happy about on its own right; that’s as good as it gets.

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