Making Memories..

homeFAQ / Want to RP with me?

Hello! I am Aoyagi Ritsuka.
Sacrifice: Loveless.

I am 12 years old. My fighter's name is Soubi. He's weird sometimes.

*Independent RP*

Loveless Kiss [GiF]




Though temperature and pain were things he’d never be able to experience, pressure on his skin (or lack thereof, in this case) was something he was quite familiar with. Tickling, however, was certainly something new. As soon as he felt Ritsuka touch him that lightly, he gave a small yelp and curled up into himself. Still, it didn’t stop, and Natsuo found himself squirming around in the bed, unable to stop laughing for reasons he didn’t quite understand. 

Curious, Youji took a few steps closer to the bed to inspect the situation. “What’s so funny?” The two had been raised in a fairly strict environment, so neither could remember even witnessing tickling before. The whole concept was foreign and strangely interesting.

Ritsuka smiled. He was both surprised and happy to see Natsuo laughing and smiling. “Get up, get up, get up~” He then turned to Youji. “You’ve never been tickled before?”

As soon as he said those words, Ritsuka’s tiny hands jumped from Natsuo to Youji’s body. He figured since this was their first time, Natsuo needed some time to breathe.

106 notes
Thursday Aug 8 @ 01:18pm
tagged as: ..
reblogged from experimentalfma
originally posted by ritsuka-aoyagi-blog

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