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Fantasy or Fun? The Rise of 'Ideal Boyfriends'€™ on Tumblr

If you missed it, last week The Cut ran this really cool article on YLLBBF, Bon Iver Erotica and My Daguerreotype Boyfriend, and some other ideal boyfriend tumblrs. Check it out!

What gives these sites their viral appeal is the air-quotes-like ironic humor at play, especially when compared to, say, losing your s— over Justin Bieber as a legitimate fan. In that way, these sites don’t speak to anything that women want in a partner. They critique the gap — for all of us — between fantasy and reality. Because, after all, it’s just a joke. Right?

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  3. harvestmom reblogged this from yourllbeanboyfriend and added:
    I found the ll bean boyfriend tumblr today. Lots of time looking around. Since my wonky shoulder prevents me from...
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