June 17, 2014
“Anatomy Of A Cannes Contender: British Airways’ Magic Posters That Point At Planes
In an industry dominated by price comparison, we wanted to create something truly engaging to remind us all how magical flying really is.
Sitting out in...


Anatomy Of A Cannes Contender: British Airways’ Magic Posters That Point At Planes

In an industry dominated by price comparison, we wanted to create something truly engaging to remind us all how magical flying really is.

Sitting out in the garden one day, I realized that the reason my two young daughters stopped whatever it was that they were doing and gazed up into the sky pointing whenever a plane flew overhead, was because they were filled with wonder and amazement. To them, planes were magical.

One of Arthur C Clarke’s most famous quotes that gets used fairly regularly these days sprung to mind: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” In my children’s eyes, planes were something they didn’t understand. In their eyes, they may as well have been dragons or flying unicorns. Magical. All we needed to do was to remind everyone else of that and take them back to that magical moment when they first flew.

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(via fastcompany)

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