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The Return

I can’t believe I’ll be landing on American soil tomorrow. It has hit me so much that I have finally decided to do one last blog entry (since my blog took a drastic turn towards the more visual aspect for the past 2 months). I have never known a semester that has gone quicker. Nor one that has enriched my life so. I can tell that I have changed in these past for months. I have grown and been given a new perspective in life. That it can happen in an instant and last forever at the same time. Such an impact that it brands you. That is what I feel these past four months in France has done for me.

I fear that I am going to suffer more culture shock going back to the states than coming from. I know that when I come back people will ask me how it all was, how wonderful it must have been, however with a slight, unintentionally degrading tone as if I had been on vacation for the past four months. That all I did was drink wine and lay in the sun. Of course I did, and I can’t blame them for thinking of it as vacation, but for me it will always be apart of my day to day life in France- enjoying the simple things like casually drinking a good sangria with friends on an outdoor patio and smelling the barbecue. Now that, I am not ready to leave. And  I am not ready to say Adieu. I plan to come back. This experience has made it even clearer to me in what I want to do in life. I wan to pursue my passion in the arts and work in a museum. I want to maintain my heritage by speaking its language. And what would be better then finding both of them in one place, and here I feel like I have. As for the future, I plan to live up my last year at UGA because I still have so many precious things to come back to, like my family, Pepper, my best friends and a little yellow house, chi omega, and of course the Dawgs. I still have a chapter in the US that I want to finish. And thanks to this wonderful study abroad, I hope to start a new one by coming back to France or Belgium for a year as an au pair. This way I hope to explore its opportunity in the arts administration world and perhaps find a good grad school. Give myself a year to try all possibilities.

Thank you to everyone who has given me all their thoughts and prayers through this wonderful time in my life! And I can’t wait to see you guys when I come home from my second home :)

Love and bisous xoxox

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