Spartan Jet-Plex
September 1, 2014
“ From our Friends at Autism Women’s Network!
Image description: A square shaped meme with blue and green coloring blended together and the following words in white capital letters: “On this Labor Day, we recognize that close to 30%...


From our Friends at Autism Women’s Network!

Image description: A square shaped meme with blue and green coloring blended together and the following words in white capital letters: “On this Labor Day, we recognize that close to 30% of adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities who are employed are working in sheltered workshops. 

In sheltered workshops employees:

Make less than the federal minimum wage, often less than $1 per hour
Are often segregated and isolated from the community 
Do not have the benefits of workers’ compensation
Do not have the privilege of collective bargaining
Are exploited and trapped in cycle of poverty. 

Labor is a disability rights civil issue.”

This is why supported employment is so important!

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